back in the office!

back in the office!

Back to work after a wonderful week on lake michigan!  it was such a luxury to be able to take an entire week off during my busy season, and I so appreciate everybody’s patience while I enjoyed this (much needed!) time with my family.  I’ve returned rested and ready as I catch up on editing,…

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i’m hiring!

Iʼm looking to fill two positions ASAP (although one person could potentially fill both). I’m now hiring for both an assistant photographer and a production assistant (again – this could be one person!). Iʼm looking for someone to help out with all sorts of fun stuff: editing, retouching, album design, graphic design, client communication, and…

happy birthday Tommy!

happy birthday Tommy!

Yes, that’s right – today is Tom’s birthday! (well, actually, yesterday was his birthday – but I played hookey with him, so, while I wrote this a couple of days ago, I wasn’t able to post it until today). Anyhow, I usually keep this blog strictly business – but I thought this would be an…

…and we’re married!!

What an absolutely *perfect* day.  I’m still floating on cloud 9, and not entirely sure it wasn’t all a dream 😉 I’ll be sure to write a bit more once I’ve come back down to earth (and caught up on some stuff for my clients)!  In the meantime, you can see a little sneak peek…

new photos | of me!

I’m super-excited to finally have some great photos of myself!  I met up earlier this week with my pal Kristen Taylor, who also needed some photos, for a little shoot-off (one of the benefits of having photographer friends, HA!).  Kristen was actually one of the first friends I made in the biz when I was…