art shots from Mexico

Thought I’d share some fun images that I captured in Mexico while I was down there for Mark and Meghann’s wedding.  It’s always so much fun to wander around in new places with my camera 😉  And the light down there was just ridiculous – and colors, colors everywhere! some random snaps from towni think…

check this out…

A photographer friend of mine emailed this to me, and it almost made me cry! Am I a total sap or what 😉 It’s a really powerful piece, and communicates perfectly why photography is so important. wouldn’t ya know it, I’ve always preferred fuji to kodak – but damn, this is good advertising! 😉 enjoy!

studio news….

lots of good stuff happening this week!  First, my spankin’ new website is almost here!  I’m currently getting the servers switched over, so may actually be down for a day or so – but no worries, it’s just cause the new site is uploading.  here’s a sneak peek: It’s got a nice, clean interface…

and the big news is…

and the big news is…

I’M ENGAGED!!  YAHOOOO!!! I think most of you had guessed it by now (plus I have a big mouth and told just about everyone I’ve talked to lately) – but I wanted to wait until the ring was here to make the ‘official’ announcement 😉 So there you have it!  I am getting married! Many…

what have i been up to?

My poor blog gets neglected once wedding season slows down! But I’ve still been shooting away!  Here’s a little bit of what’s been keeping me busy: First, something a little different – a commercial shoot for a local assisted living community.  They needed some general “stock-type” images for use in their newsletter, some ‘compassionate care’…