my clients rule!

I seriously am so lucky to have some of the coolest, kindest people on earth as my clients 😉 I’ve gotten so many thoughtful gifts this year – from gift cards to coffee cakes, spa gift certificates, even a mezuzah!  Just yesterday, Deb swung by the studio with a prezzie so cool I had to…

and we’re off!

tommy and I are headed to Cleveland to spend the holiday with my family.  And (gasp!) I don’t know that my folks currently have internet (not because they live in the stone age, lol – they’re waiting to move into their new home and staying somewhere temporary).  Anyhow – this means I might not be…

MY wedding | an update!!

So….I think some of you were beginning to wonder if Tommy and I were ever actually going to get married!  We are definitely taking our time, but we have finally found the absolute perfect spot.  It’s not finalized yet, so I don’t want to jinx anything.  But a little hint:  it’s in Ann Arbor, and…

garden fresh goodness!

Tommy and I are both big believers in the idea of eating as locally as possible.  And it doesn’t get much more local than your own backyard!  Since we moved into our home, we’ve had a blast with our backyard container garden.  Here’s some of the latest goods! yummy heirloom tomatoessnap peasgreen pepperslittle baby cucumbers!these…

on the road…

just a quick note to let everyone know i’ll be out of the studio for a few days.  headed to the west side of the state for an awesome wedding – wahoo!  tommy and I are extending our stay for a couple of days to enjoy some sun and beach time.  I’ll have access to…

Need a laugh?

Check out these hysterical sites! awkward family photosregrettable tattoos And here’s an awesome video, just because: Flaming Lips with Stardeath and White Dwarfs – Borderline You may now return to your regularly scheduled wednesday evening 😉