buy local week!

it’s annual ‘buy local week’ – so head donwtown and go shopping! The latest think local first directory will be out this month – be on the lookout, or swing by my studio for a copy.  I’m proud to be a member of this organization, and some of my work is even featured in the…

election night!!

I’ve been super-busy shooting and editing these past few weeks – but wanted to share some photos from election night – I’ve made a point to keep my personal politics off this blog, but what an amazing and historical day!!  These are from my point-and-shoot (hence their relative sucky-ness) – but I think they still…

on vacation!

vacation?  in the middle of wedding season!?  that’s right folks!  I’m headed out bright and early tomorrow to spend the week getting some (much needed!) R&R!  My mom and me are having a girls getaway at canyon ranch!  anyone who knows me knows what a spa junkie I am.  there are few things I enjoy…

I think i’m in love….

….with my new washer and dryer!!  Is that wrong?  oh sweet, sweet whirlpool duet…you bring me such joy with your sleek design and steam refresh setting….As you can see, operation ‘pimp my laundry room’ is well underway!  We decided to paint a bright primary blue – because, well, we can 😉  We’ve been so indecisive…