what have i been up to?

My poor blog gets neglected once wedding season slows down!

But I’ve still been shooting away!  Here’s a little bit of what’s been keeping me busy:

First, something a little different – a commercial shoot for a local assisted living community.  They needed some general “stock-type” images for use in their newsletter, some ‘compassionate care’ imagery of clients and staff interacting, and some shots showing their residents enjoying life. Untitled-1.jpg





Next up, a shoot with this adorable little fella and his family:northrop-47.jpg

i swear, i could shoot baby feet all day long 😉

And last but not least, a quick shoot with my favorite peanuts…

…that resulted in, quite possibly, the most adorable christmas cards EVER!

the front:
the inside:

i’ve also been churning out lots of delicious album designs – i’ll be sure to share some layouts soon.

And – I’ve got some very exciting news to share on the personal front – so stay tuned for a big announcement!!  😉

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  1. Cute pictures as always…but you know what I want to know…and it is not what your studio looks like anymore. Does your big announcement rhyme with sting and bling and king? Or maybe it rhymes with….maybe? Email me…I am dying in suspense!

  2. Are you seriously going to keep all of us in this much suspense. Your faithful blog readers are kept in the dark from updates and now you make us wait for a BIG announcement regarding you on a personal front….aHHHH! The suspense is killing me….patiently waiting though. =)

  3. I’m finally commenting on your blog because I’m very curious about this big announcement! What is it? Talk!

  4. Melissa!! hehee – i know, i am evil making everyone wait! let’s just say i’m waiting for a certain something to arrive so that I can post some photographic evidence. Hope you and Jeff are well – was so bummed I wasn’t free for his brother’s wedding!

  5. Come on Abby, we are all waiting! And yes, I am more diligent about checking your blog than working on our album :0) Can’t wait to hear what the big news is!

  6. abby! congrats on the engagment and thanks for adding some more cute pics of Wyatt! i love the B & W one above, above the feet i mena..! is that in our gallery? i’d love to purchase more, and so i think i’m going to have to peruse them again! Happy New Year! – Leah

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