MY wedding | an update!!

So….I think some of you were beginning to wonder if Tommy and I were ever actually going to get married!  We are definitely taking our time, but we have finally found the absolute perfect spot.  It’s not finalized yet, so I don’t want to jinx anything.  But a little hint:  it’s in Ann Arbor, and it’s a structure with no 90 degree angles…

those who know me and my design aesthetic will probably not be surprised by this choice 😉 

Any guesses?!

keep your fingers crossed for us everyone!

and because what’s a blog post without a photo – here’s a cute one of us my friend mary ann sent over after sara and alex’s wedding

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  1. What a great picture of you two!! Mary Ann can rock the dance floor AND the camera! Congratulations on coming up with a place – Ken and I wanted to ask about any new details in the studio last week, but didn’t want to seem pushy 😉 I am intriqued about this building – googled it to no avail – can’t wait to hear more. Congrats again – jen and ken xoxo

  2. Although I have NO clue where you are talking about, I am happy to hear that you guys are progressing with your plans. You two are so adorable =)

  3. congrats!!!!!! very exciting news and you have peaked my interest about your venue….. please, do tell soon! 🙂

  4. Love this pic! You guys are so cute. I think I might know where you are talking about, if my A2 knowledge proves me right…:)

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