art shots from Mexico

Thought I’d share some fun images that I captured in Mexico while I was down there for Mark and Meghann’s wedding.  It’s always so much fun to wander around in new places with my camera 😉  And the light down there was just ridiculous – and colors, colors everywhere!

some random snaps from town
i think this is my favorite (from the puerto vallarta zoo).  Flamingos ROCK!  we’re actually thinking of making a huge print of this for our living room (if we ever finish our remodel, that is!)
some other fun animals


and a few from our visit to the tequila factory!
thanks again to meghann and mark for bringing us along on the adventure!

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One Comment

  1. These shots are just great!!!! What an honor to photograph a wedding in Mexico!! ..and I love your “fun shots” so cool of the dude above!!! Lucky you 🙂

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