Abby Rose Photo on facebook!

After much consideration, I’ve decided to cede my status as last remaining American not on facebook…

So go ahead, you know you want to!  Become a ‘fan’ of Abby Rose Photo!


I’m still trying to figure out exactly how it works – so we’ll see how often I wind up updating my page 😉

Happy Holidays everyone!  Tommy and I are off to Cleveland tomorrow for a Channukah party with my family.  mmmhhmm….latkas! 

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One Comment

  1. Hey Abby! I went to the Anti-workshop with you last March and was just laughing at this blog posting because I thought I was the last person on the face of the earth NOT on Facebook!! LOL! I have the same fears that you do – like blogging isn’t time consuming enough!! Your work is always inspiring – thanks for always sharing it! Happy New Year!

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