election night!!

I’ve been super-busy shooting and editing these past few weeks – but wanted to share some photos from election night – I’ve made a point to keep my personal politics off this blog, but what an amazing and historical day!!  These are from my point-and-shoot (hence their relative sucky-ness) – but I think they still sum up the mood 😉 Untitled-1.jpg

I kind of wish I’d had my ‘real’ gear with me to properly document the evening (my inner-photojournalist never rests!) although just being part of the celebration was amazing…plus, seeing as I managed to somehow lose my keys during an impromptu parade through downtown, it was probably for the best that my 5D was safe and sound at home 😉

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One Comment

  1. Abby! I cannot believe you lost your keys AGAIN! We need to find something to fix that nasty habit of yours! Sorry, could not resist teasing you again. Was AAA able to help? Hope you’re well otherwise, talk to you soon!

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