JVS workshop coming to abby rose photo!

I’m super-excited to announce that I’ll be hosting JVS’s one-day speedlight seminar at my Ann Arbor studio! 

What better way to jump-start wedding
season than with
full day of hands-on learning and shooting with one of the best in the
Seriously, JVS knows his
stuff – check
out this gorgeous bridal
he just shot with photography superstar jessica claire.

Some more deets on the workshop:

Speedlites Workshop is a long, 12 hour day that will be
jammed packed full of learning, eating, shooting and more eating:)  By
the end of the day you’ll be beyond excited about shooting with your
Speedlites.  You’ll learn to shape your Speedlites with grids, para
reflectors, umbrellas, snoots, gels, soft boxes and a beauty dish made
specifically for Speedlites.”

Tuition is $500, and includes all meals,
snacks, drinks, and a
full day of learning.  Attendance is capped at 15 photographers – so
hurry up and sign up! 
To register, please visit http://www.jvspictures.com/Workshops
and click on “Register”
Also check out his workshop blog for some more great info and inspiration. 

Hope to see you there!  

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