Introducing Mabel Rose | Parenthood at one month

One month ago today we welcomed our little girl, Mabel Rose.  I’ve been pretty quiet here and on social media, taking this time to get to know the tiny human we created.  Becoming a parent has been pretty amazing – there are lots of adjectives I could throw around – joyful, humbling, exhausting…..I’ve been joking that I never knew it was possible to be so tired and so happy at the same time.  And I really do think that’s the best way to sum up new parenthood 😉

I know it sounds weird – but throughout my pregnancy, a part of me didn’t believe that I was actually going to end up with a baby at the end.  It didn’t feel real somehow.  Even during my (18 hour!) labor, I remember thinking (and maybe screaming at the midwife!) that is was never going to end, and I didn’t believe them that I would have a baby when it was over.  It wasn’t until I heard her crying, and they laid her on my chest, that I finally believed it.  I’m so glad Tom was there with a camera to capture that moment.

Working as a photographer for the past 10 years, I’ve been privileged to document so many special milestones and moments for my clients.  It only seems fitting to return the favor and share a glimpse of our new lives.  Soon enough it will be back to business and the beautiful weddings and mitzvahs will return to the blog.  But for now enjoy a peek at our world.  xo


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  1. Oh, Abby. She’s just beautiful. Thanks so much for sharing these precious early days. Enjoy them & congrats to you!

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