and the big news is…

I’M ENGAGED!!  YAHOOOO!!!Untitled-1.jpg

I think most of you had guessed it by now (plus I have a big mouth and told just about everyone I’ve talked to lately) – but I wanted to wait until the ring was here to make the ‘official’ announcement 😉

So there you have it!  I am getting married!

Many of you have gotten to know Tommy as he’s become a bigger part of my business over the past couple of years, and I think we’ve both known for awhile that our partnership was headed in this direction.  This is my favorite picture of the two of us:

My friend Liza took this on the 4th of July circa 2004 – on a Hasselblad polaroid back, no less (hi Liza!).  Look at what a smitten kitten I was (who am i kidding, i still am!).  Anyhow, I look at this picture, and think about everything I’ve accomplished since than – growing my business, opening a gorgeous new studio, buying a house – and Tommy has been by my side for it all (well, there were those six months he moved to NYC to be a rock star – but he came back!!).  I feel like the luckiest gal alive 😉

And I *love* my ring – I wanted something a little modern/funky – but still classic.  Plus, it was my grandmother’s stone, which makes it even more meaningful.  My grandparents were married for over 60 years, and madly in love the whole time. 

We haven’t set a date yet – although I’m thinking 2010, since 2009 is already pretty booked.  Now I just need to lose 15 lbs, get perfect skin, and achieve ‘kate arms’.   Gah – being engaged is making me crazy already!!  I’m even having irrational thoughts about teeth whitening. 

OH – and first person to ask who’s shooting the wedding gets a SPANKING!!!



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  1. WooHoo!!!! I’m so excited for you guys!!!! What a BIG year–can’t wait to see what 2009 brings you guys. 🙂
    Gorgeous ring, I think it’s the perfect blend. CONGRATS!

  2. Wahoo! It is gorgeous! I am so happy for both of you!
    Let me think how to phrase this as to avoid a whallop…who shall be producing the photographic images to document your nuptuals? Ha ha…I crack myself up…I need to get out more! Lots of love and happiness to you both!

  3. Congratulations Abby & Tommy! I couldn’t be happier for such a wonderful couple, you two are so adorable together. I love the ring and the beautiful story behind it and know it will bring you as much love and happiness as it did your grandparents. Enjoy all of the madness that all of your clients have gone through, luckily you already know all the great vendors, and don’t forget to make it about the two of you and your love. Congrats again.

  4. Yay! I knew it! Congratulations! I too wanted Kate arms, but your wonderful photos hid my non-Kate arms. I know all of your brides are VERY happy for you!

  5. Congrats Abby! I am so excited for you! The ring is gorgeous! And who knows…if you decide Puerto Vallarta is the place to be married, I have an amazing wedding coordinator (seriously you will only stress about the teeth whitening, because that is the only thing that Carlos doesn’t do – although my dentist suggested Crest whitestrips for a few months and then call if you don’t like the results).
    Mexico in 20 days – a mini post engagement honeymoon for you guys 😉

  6. I’m a little late…but HOW exciting. And the ring is just perfect. What a great way to end 2008 and start off 2009. I am so happy for you 🙂

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