baby aiden!

meet baby aiden!

I shot mom and dad’s awesome wedding just over a year ago – and now they’ve welcomed this little cutie!   One of the best parts of my job is getting to see ‘my’ couples’ new babies – i love it!IMG_4117T.jpg
loves me some baby toes!!
So adorable…
and here he is with mom…
Congratulations Dan and Heather – so fun to meet the little guy!

On a side note – just want to say ‘thanks’ to all of my clients for their patience.  I know lots of you are waiting anxiously for your proofs/albums/etc, and I promise I am hard at work!  Between wedding season in full swing, and getting settled into my new studio, things are little busier than normal.  Hang in there!  I’ll be launching special holiday pricing soon just to say thanks!

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