kristin + tony | detroit engagement shoot

Kristin and Tony have what has got to be the best ever “how’d you meet?” story.  They met while Kristin was on vacation in Costa Rica – and Tony was her tour guide!  A whirlwind romance ensued, Tony moved to the US, and now they’re getting married!  Is that not the stuff of romance novels?!

Anyhow – we met up at the Ren Cen Marriott in downtown Detroit last week for our e-shoot.  Their wedding will be in the Ambassador Ballroom there and I am so excited – it’s an amazing venue right at the feet of the riverwalk. 

Here’s a few favorites:

The Ren Cen is a really beautiful and interesting building, and there are some cool interior spaces that we took advantage of since it was so chilly (what is up with this crazy weather lately!).

the cold didn’t stop us from a quick trip outdoors
So, Kristin is living in Boston right now, but she’s a Detroit gal at heart – which is why I know she’s going to LOVE this next one.  (well, I also know she’s going to love it because I showed it to her on the back of my camera, and she was stoked.  but anyways!):
Thanks Kristin and Tony for a great shoot!  Looking forward to your wedding next month!

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