vendor love | elevated press

It’s no secret that I adore all things letterpressed.  There is something about a letterpressed print that is just so YUMMY.  Sometimes I dream about being one of those cool, crafty chicks who does her own letterpressing.  Anyhow – I was super-excited to meet Michelle – who actually is one of those cool, crafty chicks – and to learn about elevated press – a boutique letterpress studio right in Ann Arbor. 

Michelle founded elevated press with her husband Peter (who is also a great photographer) and together they design and print some of coolest, most beautiful wedding invites I’ve seen. 

She’s working on some awesome save-the-dates for Tommy and I (i’ll be sure to post some pics once they’re ready!) and will also be designing our invitations and some other goodies.  If any of my brides are still looking for invites, you should definitely check her out!

I swung by their studio the other day and snapped a few pictures to share with my lovely blog readers (what’s a post without some pictures!?)

here’s michelle

the artist at work 
she has some super-cute cards that you can buy online in her etsy shop
and just for fun, here she is with her doggy – who you will probably meet if you ever visit their studio 😉
thanks michelle!

during my slower months, I’ll be making an effort to blog more about people in the wedding industry doing cool stuff – so stay tuned!

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