baby Yiannis!

been awhile since I’ve blogged!  but not because I haven’t had anything to post — i’ve just been crazy busy (what else is new!).  Between hosting our first Thanksgiving, shooting a flurry of holiday sessions, and still putting the finishing touches on my new studio, I just haven’t had much time!

But I digress.  Check out this adorable baby I shot this weekend!

Here he is with the folks – aren’t they a stunning family!?IMG_9741T.jpg

what’s cuter than a baby in a santa hat?


these next two just melt my heart!


Congratulations Manolis and Antonia – he is a doll!!

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One Comment

  1. These are so sweet! I adore the first one! It screams…Print me on a giant canvas!
    I hope there are some studio pictures coming soon!

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