Josh’s Bar Mitzvah

Trying desperately to get caught up on my back-blogging! Here’s the first of a few posts i’m hoping to get out over the next couple of days.

LOVED shooting Josh’s Bar Mitzvah a couple months back.ย  I worked with this family just a couple of years ago for their older son’s bar mitzvah – so fun to see everyone again.ย  Check out some favorites!

Here’s Josh, cool and collected before his service

party at Suburban Collection Showcase



Joe Cornell MC and dancers Josh made his big entrance on roller blades, in keeping with the hockey theme ๐Ÿ˜‰

mechanical bull!ย  such a big hit with all the partygoers!

awesome tote bags as favors

Thanks ‘E’ family!ย  We had a great time working with you again!

synagogue: TEMPLE ISRAEL / party: Suburban Collection Showplace / MC+dancers+DJ: JOE CORNELL ENTERTAINMENT






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