family session

Another fun family session taking advantage of the pretty autumn season! Technically, this was two familes (plus some grandparents!) – so here’s just a tiny sneak peak: total cuteness overload!!This little gal was happiest when running free (or reading her scooby book)  😉 Enjoy the preview, more to come!

baby aiden!

meet baby aiden! I shot mom and dad’s awesome wedding just over a year ago – and now they’ve welcomed this little cutie!   One of the best parts of my job is getting to see ‘my’ couples’ new babies – i love it!loves me some baby toes!!So adorable…and here he is with mom…Congratulations Dan and…

family session

I shot a couple of fun family sessions this week – we lucked out with some perfect, crisp fall days!  Here’s some quick favorites from the first session:I met the mom of these cute boys through Food Gatherers, a local non-profit working to fight hunger in Washtenaw County.  what a cute family!I just adore this…

meet jackson!

What a cutie!I was so excited to meet this little guy…I photographed mom and dad’s wedding waaaaayyy back in 2005 (i think?!)  I went through my archives, thinking I’d post a photo from their wedding day, but – gasp! – I shot it on film!  Probably one of the last that I did – crazy…

rainy day family session

I’d been looking forward all week to this shoot – but Saturday rolled around and we had just about the worst weather imaginable – i’m talking grey skies, constant downpours – the kind of day that makes you just want to curl up with a good book and some hot chocolate! But these guys totally…

meet miss Claire!

Isn’t she the cutest 2-year-old ever?!  Get a load of these blue eyes!I met Claire’s mom at Ken + Jody’s wedding last month, and was so excited when she called me to schedule a family session!What a cute family 😉 mom and dad aren’t too bad lookin’ either – I see where Claire got those…