all about mia | michigan bat mitzvah photography

This is the 4th Bat Mitzvah I’ve photographed for this awesome family!  It’s so fun watching this group of cousins grow up πŸ˜‰

It actually wasn’t too long ago we shot big sis Danielle’s Bat Mitzvah – and last Saturday it was Mia’s turn!

Portraits at Adat Shalom:
mia01.jpgmia02.jpgmia03.jpgmia04.jpgLOVE this one!  All Mia’s idea πŸ˜‰
mia05.jpgisn’t she gorgeous?  looks so much like her mom in this one….
Party at Wabeek Country Club.
How awesome is Mia’s dress?!
mia07.jpgloved the colorful decor – check out these tie-dyed roses!
mia09.jpgmia10.jpgmia11.jpgthe whole fam
mia12.jpgJoe Cornell MC Josh rockin’ out!!
mia13.jpgmia14.jpgmia15.jpgmia16.jpgmia17.jpgmia18.jpgmia19.jpgmia20.jpgmia21.jpgof course, Mia’s Dad had to do a follow-up rap, after his awesome performance at Danielle’s Bat Mitzvah!
mia22.jpgmia23.jpgmia24.jpgand all the kids went home with their own ‘all about mia’ sweatpants!

Hope you guys had an awesome night!  Tommy and I always have a blast celebrating with you πŸ˜‰

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