ned + melissa | married!

I shot this intimate, mid-week wedding last month, and have been so slammed I never had a chance to blog it!  I had a moment this afternoon and thought I would share a few images. 

The wedding was held at Teacup Weddings in Dixboro (just outside Ann Arbor), a charming little venue perfect for a smaller event. 
teacup-weddings-1.jpgaren’t they cute!
teacup-weddings-2.jpghere’s their adorable daughter
teacup-weddings-6.jpgand their brand-new arrival – so precious!
teacup-weddings-5.jpgseriously, those freckles are to die for!teacup-weddings-3.jpg

congratulations ned and melissa!

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  1. Beautiful images of an adorable family! The bride is stunning!
    (and yes, we DO need to get together soon…I haven’t seen your house, your studio, your ring!)

  2. Abby, they’re GORGEOUS! I don’t know how you make colors pop like that, but the turquoise and Melissa’s eyes are amazing! 🙂 Thanks again from the bottom of my ever-so-grateful heart! xoxo! Adelle

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