lynn + shane | engaged (in chicago!)

Tommy and I trekked to Chicago this past weekend for two awesome engagement sessions.  I gotta say – Chicago rocks!  What a great city.  Amazing parks and beaches, and public art everywhere.  We had a delightful time 😉

First up are Lynn and Shane, who are getting married later this summer.

We cruised around to a few different spots in the city city.jpg


We were determined to get some cool ‘skyline’ photos – let’s just say, they’re really not kidding around with that ‘windy city’ stuff!

It wouldn’t be a trip to Chicago without a photo op at Millenium Park 😉
I Looooove this kind of light –


Thanks Lynn and Shane – looking forward to the big day!

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  1. Thanks so much Abby-I have been checking all day and it’s been worth the wait. We had a great time with you and Tommy. We love all the pictures. Thanks for coming to Chicago.

  2. I love them!! Lynn looks so lovely, Shane is my handsome son. Their faces are what Love really looks like! Mom P

  3. Katie said: We know what Lynn can do if she quits her day job. You look fabulous. The pictures are beautiful. If you didn’t have your winter coats on I would think it was warm in Chicago. (04.14.09 / 08:45 PM) Whoops – posted on the wrong photos initially.

  4. Aunt Lynn and Uncle Shane, I love you and care about you. We really like the pictures. You look very pretty and handsome.

  5. i always knew my “superman” would find his “wonder woman”, thank goodness you two are not wearing the underoos the two of us did when we were little! love you both so much, cannot wait for the big day! love, courtney

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